Building Your Name
When you buy a Louis Vuitton Suitcase, you have purchased the promise of a life of luxury; maids pack your clothing and porters shuttle it quickly to your destination where it is unpacked. When a woman, or gentleman, buys a Louis Vuitton bag, they’ve been granted access to the high end of fashion, art, cinema, entertainment, culture, music, gastronomy, design and travel. Who could resist it?” This got me thinking about the picture I saw popping up on facebook and Instagram with MJ on it. People pay MJ full price for his shoes because he built his name. Without his name those same shoes would cost like an average pair would cost. The reason people don’t support small businesses in the same way as Jordan or Vuitton is because they haven’t built up their name. In April, there will be a hair and fashion show like you haven’t seen before (in a marketing sense) in the Hampton Roads area. The major difference between a big brand and a small business comes down to marketing. All small businesses that participate in the show will receive A LOT of FREE MARKETING that will help your business grow. - Your marketing photographer