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Fashion and Beauty Marketing 101- Create marketing that people seek out


I recently read a good book called “Success Secrets of the Online Marketing Superstars”. In one chapter it talked about operating in a way where people actually seek out your marketing instead of trying to avoid it. Their first example blew my mind because I didn’t realize that’s how Marvel started. The second example gave me an idea to use on the local level.

Did you know that in 2002 Spider-Man did a combined billion dollars in ticket and DVD sales yet Marvel only received a small portion of that sum? Back then Marvel took their characters to the big studios and they didn’t have the expertise to produce a huge film. Instead of making money from the movie, they received a small licensing fee. Marvel was in the business of producing money from merchandise. Any time you bought a comic book, video game, toy or any other product marvel profited. Here’s the smart thing that was done. The movies that had their characters in it acted as one GIANT commercial for them. It wasn’t until 2008 when they financed their first film which was Iron Man. In 2009 Disney acquired Marvel for $4.2 billion dollars. The main point of the story is that people wanted to see the superhero movies which acted as a commercial for Marvel to sell their merchandise. It was marketing that people wanted to see.

The second example talked about the show “Love It or List It” which is on the home and garden channel HGTV. It stars Hilary Farr, a designer and David Visentin, a real estate agent.

David acts as a valuable resource on the show. The book makes a valid point. “Wouldn’t demonstrating that you know what you’re doing work better than claiming to be the number one in whatever category?” For example which method do you think would be more effective?

Method 1- You put on your flyer that you are the best ________ in the area

Method 2- If you had an audience that saw you perform the techniques that make you one of the best ________ in the area.

According to the book, David gets plenty of new business from the show by demonstrating his expertise while reaching potential clients via TV that people actually enjoy watching. The show acts as a giant commercial for both hosts. It’s marketing that people enjoy watching.

“Success Secrets of the Online Marketing Superstars” is a good book worth getting if you are trying to bolster your marketing. In conclusion, if you focus on marketing that people seek out you can become more successful. You can separate yourself from all the other marketing clutter out there.

Til next time

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